
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Home Tour With A Twist: The Museums

Welcome back! I hope you have enjoyed, and offered suggestions;)on the rest of the home tour. If you're new to my home tour with a twist, check out my explanation here.

Today I'd like to share with you what my husband and I call the museums since we very rarely use these rooms.  When my husband and I first bought our home it was builder white.   Thanks to hours and hours of watching HGTV we were very open to color on the walls. We did a bit of design cheating and visited a model home at a nearby development similar to ours. Mostly we just noted some design ideas, then we came to the living room. Take a look, please note... this is not our house.

I love all the little details... but they will have to wait in our home due to the little hands.

We loved the deep chocolate on the walls with the contrasting bright white below the chair rail... So we copied... lol.   We decided to paint the tray ceiling gold, although you can't quite tell in the pics. I plan on using the leftover gold to paint stripes in the powder room.  Here is our actual Dining Room and Living Room, we have a long way to go, but I'm ready to get down to decorating business.

The Dining Room

lol... see my little pumpkin center piece.

Screaming for a vignette!  I couldn't figure out where else to put the huge vase, so there it sits.  The mirror and lamps came from Hobby Lobby during their 50% off sale.  Is it me, or are they always running a 50% off sale?

My favorite part of this room, we added them a few months ago.  The pics do them no justice.

We did add a little family portrait wall.  Each year we'll switch the pics out.  I'm thinking I'll make a little scrapbook of the pics from years past.  Anyway, we added curtains that I'm in love with... Once again you can't tell from the pics but there are stripes with tans, golds, and shades of an iridescent tealish sageish (my own words) color that matches the lamps.  Love love love them.  When we chose furniture I was adamant about not getting a china cabinet even though hubby kind of wanted one.  I had dreams of a really cool vignette of some sort.  You see it's empty, except for that sad empty vase.  I would really like to tackle this project, but I think I'm going to hold off until after the holidays. 

The Plan
 I hope to add some kind of cool center piece bringing all those colors together, still parusing Pinterest for ideas.   Maybe those decorative balls.  What do you think?  I'd love to do a whole table setting, but with the little hands that live with me... It's just not going to happen anytime soon.

The Living Room

Across from the Dining Room is our Living Room.  Not much living goes on in here.  Everyone that comes over says how it'd be such a great space for reading and sipping wine.  Alas, when I get a chance to put my feet up... It's in the family room in front of the TV.  Anyway, as the littles get older I'll add some things to the table tops.

The doors lead right into the playroom we are VERY blessed to have.

These are the tables that were in the family room, but they were not only magnets for little heads but they were becoming expensive teethers for Little Bear.

This wall needs something! Just not sure what.
The Plan
I saw a super cool idea for wall art made from pizza boxes, I will attempt something of that nature. Also, hubby and I will be adding some wainscoting below the chair rail in here and in the dining room.

The Foyer

Our Living and Dining rooms are separated by our foyer. lol... this is the first home I've lived in that had such a formal entry way.  This entry is only used for guest, or if I want to sit on the porch with the boys.   The foyer is huge and it screams for a little table or something, but the boys drive trucks, cars, and walkers (and anything else they can physically move) through here so adding any nice tables or stands is out of the question... But some day.

The Plan
I have absolutely no idea what to do here.  I like symmetry (notice the matching living room and dining room?) but I think it'd be over kill to have two tables here.  Maybe I need to get over it... who's knows?Help please!

So thanks for stopping by again. I appreciate all suggestions. Want to see more, here is the rest of my Home Tour With A Twist

Next on the tour is our home office and the playroom re-visited.

Linking to:
A Bowl Full Of Lemons


  1. Girl your house is off the chain! I love love love that foyer! Omg! I have a pinterest board with a bunch of beautiful vignettes if you want to take a look...

  2. lol.. Thank you... we are very blessed, and so happy to have found this home.

  3. Your home is beautiful, I especially love the chocolate walls. I'll be following you so I can see what creative juices you have flowing. Please visit whenever you have a chance.
