
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

At the Zoo!!

So as I said in Best Day Ever, we went to the Zoo this past weekend, and as promised here are some pics.   Remember I said my hubby isn't comfortable with pictures of our babies on the internet, well these are some that made the cut.   It was an amazing day.  We all had so much fun.  Hubby and I kept commenting on how days like these are what life is really about.

 I keep laughing and thinking about my trip to the Zoo last summer.  It was August on one of the hottest days, I was 7 1/2 months pregnant, and with a friend who had her own stroller to push, so I basically was on my own walking and pushing my own stroller up hills.  Needless to say it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as this trip.

First we took a trip in a hot air balloon.  The view was great, and because of a random act of kindness from a stranger... my whole family rode for free.  

After the balloon ride we walked around leisurely, the weather was in the 80's I think, so it wasn't unbearably  hot.  My husband tried to get me to leave the double stroller at home cause it takes up so much room in our trunk.   Puh-leese!!! Yes, Munchkin can walk, but he is only two and needs a place to be contained when necessary.  I'm glad we brought it.

When I showed this to my mom, she thought this was a real lizard... it's not!  But don't you love Little Bear's fat feet.  I do : ).

 Munchkin had to be sure this thing was not real.

This year Munchkin was old enough to really look for the animal behind the glass.  At each exhibit he scanned the area until he found whatever animal was on display.  I think this was the big cats.

This Zoo also has a children's zoo inside, so even with all of the cool wild animals, I think Munchkin preferred the bunnies and little turtles.

These two are  my Favorite Non-Face Pictures.  

Until next time...

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