
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Holidaze?... Not This Year!!!

Long ago, when I was just a little rosey glasses gal, I loved the holidays.  Actually, saying I loved the holidays is a bit of an understatement.  It was more like a profound feeling of excitement, joy, warmth, and gigginess all wrapped up in one huge red bow.  Yes, I actually envision my feelings with a big red bow.  For me, the holidays start right after Halloween.  Yes, I included Thanksgiving.  The months of November and December are my holiday season!

As a little (well, maybe early teen) girl, I was the one who wrapped the Christmas gifts.  My mom considered it a task.  One of a million other things to do during the holiday season.  As a new shopper, lines never bothered me at the mall.  It was all part of the experience, the holiday experience.  I had know idea why people would seem to get so worked up and annoyed that they're family was coming.  It was something I so looked forward to.  I'd often heard adults claim that Christmas was for the kids, and I hoped I'd never become one of them.

Sadly, it seems as though I have.  Don't get me wrong, I still love the holidays.  However, as an adult with responsibilities and children of my own, this twinkly season has lost some of it's twinkle.  Last year I don't even recall baking cookies.  I may have, but I seriously don't remember.  Granted, I had an itty bitty infant, but what I really remember is being up until the crack of dawn wrapping presents on Christmas eve.  It feels as though that's the way it's been for the last 3 years.  No Bueno!!

I want to enjoy the holidays again.  The food, the lights, the family,  the giving, THE FOOD!!  Yes, I can't wait to see my little guys' faces and all their excitement when they see that Santa came.  Nevertheless, I want to enjoy my cup of homemade egg nog, and not be annoyed that my little brother rang the doorbell at 11pm on Christmas eve, mere minutes after I had finally gotten an excited 2 year old to bed (true story).  I want to watch and enjoy It's A Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and A Christmas Story (I know, I know doesn't quite belong... but still) throughout December and not feel annoyed that I'm watching all three in the same night while I wrap presents till the crack of dawn on Christmas Eve next to a snoring husband (true story).  I want to bake and decorate cookies, and eat them!  I used to love wrapping gifts with beautiful bows and tags, I actually wrote the names of recipients right on the wrapping paper last year!! For Shame, For shame!!!

Not this year!  I will be ready.  I will enjoy Thanksgiving, New Years, and everything in between!  Now, lets be for real, I'm not so super organized on my own.  I need help! Luckily there is tons of help out there for those of you like me, who can get caught in a holidaze.  This month, join me as I plan out my weeks, to pace myself.  I can even point you in the direction of a few bloggers/vloggers who have holiday planning down to a science.  Are you ready?  I am, I already have 75% of the boys' gifts purchased and wrapped! WINNING!!!!

Check out my Pinterests Page (link above)! I'll be pinning my favorite holiday tips, tricks, decorations, and recipes!!

Today I'll leave you with my newest obsession.  My House Wife Life or Organized Jen on Youtube.  This woman is seriously the Hostess with the Mostess.  She has inspired me to step up my holiday hosting game.  Jen has loads of tips (although some pricey) for holiday prepping and partying.  Here is a link to her Thanksgiving Binder Organization Video. Enjoy!!

Thanks for reading!!!

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