
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself

Allow me to re-introduce myself, my name is... well, I guess I'm channelling a little Jay-Z there.  Okay seriously, My name is Leiah.  I am the mother of 3 wonderful little boys and married to my best friend.  My hubby, Mr. Roseyglasses (trust me he hates that name) is my great love.  I knew it from the start (okay the middle) of our first date, but that is another story for another time.  My oldest son, Ace (formerly Munchkin) is 4, going on 40.  He's such an insightful, inquisitive little man.  My number two is Bear.  I've decided to drop the Little since he's just getting so big.  Bear will be 3 in September, seems like just yesterday I was writing my first post while he slept quietly in his crib... Or was he on my lap?  CJ is my newest arrival, and my third little man.  He's 7 months old now and partially the reason this blog has been so inactive.  He is my sweet baby and I am currently experiencing the bitter sweetness of watching my tiny wrinkled infant disappear and transform in to a fat legged crawler on his way to toddler hood.

This blog is my open diary.  I write about all kinds of things, but I suppose you can check out my About Me page to read about all that.  Moving forward, I'd love for you to join me as I experience (and share) my life as a stay at home mom.  My ups and downs, my progress and procrastination.  My mini obsessions (like Pinterest... I know I'm not the only one), and my continued learning.

Welcome Back to Rosey Glasses.


P.S.  Like our new look?  Head on over to Latoya Monique Designs.  She is Awesome!!

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