
Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Five: Black Friday

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just next week!... which means that Christmas is just around the corner!! I can't wait!  However as much as I love Christmas (and I really do), stressing out in lines and stores and parking lots is not my idea of fun.  So while some of you may be out at 5am (or maybe earlier for some of you).  I will be spending my day doing other things.  Here is a list of Five Things I'll Be Doing On Black Friday.

1.  Cooking!! Yeah Yeah, Thanksgiving is on Thursday... I know.  But we will be spending Turkey day with my mom, and I need to have my own special mini Thanksgiving at home with my little family.  I love to cook, and when you go to someone else's house your limited to what they ask you to bring.  Plus I'm greedy and I like lots of leftovers... lol.  So I'll be making everything that was on Friday Five: Favorite Thanksgiving Eats.

2. Online Shopping.   Hey just because I don't like to go to the malls or stores on Thanksgiving doesn't mean I don't love a great deal, and it seems to me that you can get pretty much the same discounts if you shop online Friday or Cyber Monday.

3.  Holiday Decorating!  If you want to see me act like a total child and my eyes light up like a kid in a candy store... peek in my house when I'm decorating for Christmas.  This has been one of my favorite things to ever since I was a child... There's just something about getting the Christmas box out and unwrapping all the little Christmas trinkets.  Love Love Love It!!

4.  Belting out my favorite holiday tunes.  Yes I'll admit I've been listening to (and singing) Christmas music since mid-October, but I'll be adding to my playlist and playing it throughout the house now.  I will most likely at some point during the day; scoop up one, two, or even all three of my guys and dance them around to Luther singing This Christmas (CLASSIC!!!)

5.  Going to the Gym!!  Come on... I'm not a total glutton.  Yes I will stuff myself both Thursday and Friday... But I have made a commitment to myself:  Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday... my behind will be in the gym getting in a good workout, and Black Friday is no different.

Anyhow... are you a Black Friday Shopper or a Keep it in the house kinda gal?  What are some of your favorite after Thanksgiving traditions?... I'd love to hear.

I'll be taking a blogging vacation next week.  I may add a tot school post because we just did a cute project... but I can't promise I'll be posting at all (side bar... one of the things I love about blogging is that I can decided when and for how long I can take a break).  Anyway, check back on December 2nd for the first Holiday themed Friday Five. myspace graphic comments
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  1. Im on blogging vacation next week too...I've already got my posts sheduled and looking forward to some downtime. I think we are actually doing pretty much the same thing on Black Friday. Minus the gym (and Im supposed to be the one on the diet lol.)

  2. I am currently going back and forth about going Black Friday shopping. I realy hope they have some amazing deals online for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

    ~Mrs. Delightful
