
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Home Tour With A Twist

Over the past almost year of me blogging, I've seen some amazing home tours. The host leads you through amazingly decorated spaces, beautiful art and craft work. Flowers, clocks, pictures, vignettes, everything a warm welcoming home should have. My home does not include these things. For this reason I have hesitated on posting a home tour, but you know what? I'm ready! In an effort to be personal and honest I'd like to welcome you to my big ol' undecorated home.

First a little background. Two years ago (well about two years ago) my husband and I found and purchased our dream home. We have been extremely blessed, and sometimes we are both on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because we moved from a much smaller space we had pretty much no furniture for our home. Over the last two years we've been slowly purchasing furniture pieces for our home. My hubby's goal was to get furniture in each room, and then start to focus on decorating. Well, now it's time to decorate.

So on to my home tour with a twist. As I lead you around my home, I'd like to run some ideas off of you.. my readers (that's assuming peeps are reading). I need ideas, opinions (please be nice), and perhaps even some tips. This is of course a plea for comments (hi, my name is Leiah and I'm addicted to comments). Please join me as I decorate our home. Some areas need lots of love, some not so much. Some things I will make, some I will purchase. I will continue this home tour and include updates as we complete projects. Let's start shall we?

I'm starting my tour in the mudroom. This is the entrance my family uses daily, it needs a bit of love (well the closet I'll show needs lots of love).  To the left is the Laundry Room, although you can't see it in this photo.  It is sadly one of my favorite places in the house now. Straight ahead is the mudroom closet.  When the doors are closed it looks perfectly pretty (well I guess not pretty, but definitely neat).

I think it's a pretty sad excuse for a coat closet once you actually open the doors.  There aren't many coats (mostly because it's only Fall), That would be two of hubby's shirts, sometimes I hang them in there to dry (a duh, I should have put some kind of hanging system in the laundry room).  There's no light so it's hard to see the mess that has accumulated on the top shelf.

LOL, I had to add this... it took like 10 shots to get a pic without Blue in front... every time I'd move him he'd be right back in the middle.

This is a close up of the shameful floor.  Little shoes, big shoes, white shoes and black shoes... I literally have a Dr. Seuss book in the closet.

This is the other side... just as messy and miss used.

The Plan for this closet:
Possibly add paint (only if I can find a color that we already have enough of that will work).
Add baskets to the top shelf for neat storage
Get all the non-essentials out.
Add some type of shoe organizing system
Get matching hangers (I just think it'll look neater)
Now it's your turn! Do you have any ideas or tips for this space?  It really needs help.

Back to the tour.

When you step into the mudroom to right is where we drop our shoes.  The Rosey house is a no shoes house... it helps a ton with floor cleaning, which is the most neglected area in my home.

The Plan for this corner:
Add a mat on the floor to catch the extra water and grass that can get tracked in.
Add a bench and hooks on the wall.
I'm toying with the idea of building a bench.  Most of the ones I've seen that I like won't fit (it's a pretty small corner) or they are unbelievably priced.  The problem is I've never built anything from scratch and I'm kind of worried it'll look crazy.
Your Turn!  What do I do? Has anyone out there ever built something like a bench.  I want it strong enough to sit on and I'd like to add a basket or two for more storage.

Anyway, when glance slightly to the right you can see that this entry leads straight to my kitchen.  Do you see the door that's open? 

 This is whats behind it.  A small can't do anything with it corner. 
 The Plan (it's a small one)
Add an umbrella stand.

Directly across from this cozy little corner (before you get into the Kitchen) is a Powder Room.

Yes, we are still potty training.

It's pretty basic.  Recognize the color from the Laundry Room?  See the little sad frame.  It's my poor excuse for decoration in here.  SMH.

So here's The Plan for this powder room.
 I'd like to add a bit more art on the walls.  Possibly replacing the tiny square that's there.
Add stripes.  We have a lot of metallic gold paint (leftover from another room), I think it will work great in here.
One day* change the lighting (I hate the builder grade, dressing room lights).
One day* change the mirror along with the sink fixtures.
Your Turn!
Please help, any cute ideas for powder room art? Or inexpensive upgrades?

* - projects like these will probably not happen for quite some time.

So that is it for my Home Tour With A Twist.  I hope to hear from you! I also hope to post back soon with updates as I finish them.


  1. Your house is lovely and I feel you with not being prepared for a home tour. I went back and forth with the idea and finally decided to show what I am working with so far. For my entry way closet I painted and added a stencil. I added a shoe storage rack up on the top shelve to house shoes because unfortunately the closet is home to our vacuum's as well. I would suggest adding some hooks as well...usually can be found in hardware at Lowes for under 3 bucks so that you will have a place to stash bags and purses. I love mine:) For the bathroom that wall above the toilet is screaming for some baskets...yep you heard me right, baskets. I pinned pic on my diy board of a space that has a basket with rolled up hand towels...happy decorating!

  2. Thank you so much toya for the great tip.. I have tons of baskets... I'm already mentally spray painting one a different color, heading to your pinterest page right now!

  3. For the area by the mud room where you have the shoes on the floor, what if you put a deep basket and some vertical art on the wall? Some how it makes this wall look finished (could be the gazillion dollar price tag on the art) but you get the idea - (Slide #8)

  4. I think all your bathroom really needs is a trip to the flea market. You can get awesome mirrors for next to nothing. As for the light fixture, that's a fairly inexpensive fix, too. I've seen ones at Lowe's and HD that are actually quite attractive and not too costly. Sometimes you can find used fixtures at antique shops, too.

    Does the powder room have a window? If not, seriously consider some sparkle to keep it from seeming like a cave.

  5. @ Starr those are some great suggestions, I love the sparkle idea!!
