
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family Master Binder: Getting Started

In my quest to become uber organized I have created a Family Master Binder. I first saw something like this a few years ago and never acted.   Earlier this year I stumbled across another and it sparked a memory of  a master desk binder I used as a teacher.  It contained all of my important papers and information, including lesson plans and homework sheets.  I actually half heartedly started this project a few  months ago.  I put it on hold and tried to create a system on my iPad and that just didn't work out.  So in the beginning of last month, I started... again.   Like anything else I am interested in or doing... I googled like crazy.  Turns out everyone and there mama has one (yes I even found a retired mama who had one).  Side bar, I feel like there is so much to learn about managing a family and running a household.  I am learning so much from the blog world... anyway.  I found one that I absolutely love on iheartorganizing. I modeled my own binder after hers but made my own printables because I'm kind of cheep.

So, what exactly is a Family Master Binder.  It is your go to spot for everything your family needs.  It's like the quick-e-mart for important information.  Sure you can find anything on the web, but having everything in a central location right at your finger tips is way more convenient.  It is most commonly referred to as a Home Management Binder or Guide, but I like to be different.  You can call yours whatever you want.

Who needs a Family Master Binder?  Everyone.  From single lady with two dogs (Hi Erica!), a growing family, or even a retired empty nester (Hi Mommy!).  Just think of how convenient it is to have all medical info right at your finger tips.  Need the number to the plumber?... it's in there.  Need the number to that favorite chinese spot? Or a place to store incoming bills or coupons to The Limited?  This is it... you need this.

I've been using my binder for about a month now and it has proven to be a major asset to our family. I'm even training ehem, teaching my husband to use it.  I know that as my boys grow, and the needs of my family change my binder will evolve.  If you'd like to make your own binder, begin to gather the supplies below. I will post about this in several sections so it doesn't get too overwhelming. If you are interested please email me and I can send you blanks of everything I made (it took along time). Hopefully my stumbles will help you as you make your own binder.

So these are some things you'll need:

A binder. Mine is a 2 inch binder and it's the perfect size. I purchased mine from Target (cause I like the girly colors), but any binder will do. Don't feel like you have to spend a bunch.

A printer. Your pages don't have to be color, but a printer is definitely a must.

Sheet protectors. You don't necessarily need these, but it will make things look neater and help things last longer, which means less printing. I actually already had some leftover from grad school.

Dividers. I used plastic folders with a pocket then added file folders too (I'll explain later).

The following is a list of things you may possibly want.

Sticky tab dividers
3 hole punch
3 hole pencil case
Wet erase/dry erase markers

This weekend gather your supplies.  Each week I will tackle a few sections.  Don't feel like you have to rush through this.  It took me quite a while to get everything together.  Also create a folder on your computer. Let's get organized together!

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  1. Hi there, I saw your link on blog hop and thought I'd stop by and see what your blog was all about. I really enjoyed it and am now following via GFC!!

    Jessica Rose - Beauty and The Bookaholic

  2. Following back! I'm an over organizer usually but ever since Little Man arrived my life has been turned upside down lol. Hopefully I can get back on track :)

  3. If Nicole is an over-organizer, I guess I would be classified as an underorganizer. When my first child was born, all my friends started making scrapbooks. I made a journal instead, which eventually turned into my blog ( I was just telling my husband, after visiting all these great blogs, how I wish I was more craft oriented.

    Following from the blog hop, so happy I stopped by. (By the way, your babies are so adorable!)

  4. I have one! I call it the "House Manual". I have had it for about 3 years now, roughly. It's fantastic and don't know how I managed without it,. Very useful tool!

    I found you via the FNF Hop. Following you now.

    best wishes,


    Art & Craft Blog:
    My Cancer Battle:

  5. Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the Finding New Friends Weekend Hop. Would love a follow back on my blog:  Prowling Books In the Lair. Thanks! I’m having an iPad 2 Giveaway and a Nook Color Giveaway on my blog and I would really love for you to enter! iPad 2 Giveaway

  6. I started one for bills- a detailed sheet for each one. I write down the amount & date paid. I still have it but at times have to go back & play catch-up.

    Visiting from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop...

    Have a great weekend!

    Come on home - mom blog
    Working at home advice

  7. This is VERY pretty! :)
    Hi! New follower from the FNF blog hop! Please follow back. Thanks! Through the Eyes of a Tiger
