
Friday, March 7, 2014

Planning, Pictures, and Planes... I'm Still Here!

Yes.  As the title reads... I'm still here.  Doing wonderfully at the moment.  Just finished cleaning my kitchen while my family sleeps happily up stairs.  Currently sipping Skinny Girl Pina Colada.  Don't judge, it makes cleaning more enjoyable!! #truth.

Where have I been? In short, I had an awesome holiday, and I had to let go of blogging for a moment.  Priorities Peeps!!! Anyway, from holiday straight into A's 5th birthday planning, then dove into Disney vacation planning... That's right y'all!! We had a magical time... seriously... MAGICAL!!.  We returned last week from a much needed break from life and winter. #readyforspring.

My main focus now will be ordering prints and scrapbooking.  I know... doesn't seem like a big deal, but am I the only one guilty of storing pictures on my computer and leaving them there?  I want reminders of our first family trip (the boys' first ever plane ride)
warming the walls in my home, smiling at me before I lay down to bed, and causing my lips to curl into a smile as I flip through pages of an intricately designed book of memories.

I'll leave you with one of my favs.  I'll try and keep you posted on my progress, but more importantly are there any mommas out there that find time to actually scrapbook.  I could use some ideas and tips for finding the time!