
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Next Rainy Day.

Last week I challenged myself to finally clean out and organize my closet, super clean my kitchen, and wash all my floors. I am very happy to say I did complete my closet and have been enjoying an organized closet for almost a week now. I just finished cleaning my kitchen.. Including cleaning out the fridge, washing floors, and cleaning off the junk magnet of a little mini office desk. Sadly I didn't get a chance to wash all of the floors in my house, but I did get to a few. The weather is back to sunny skies, with only alate afternoon thunderstorms. My boys and I have been enjoying the time out, and I will be trying desperately to not fall behind on the housekeeping again. Then again there is always the next rainy day ;)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saved by The Rain

It's been raining the last few days, well maybe I should say storming. So once again the boys and I are stuck inside. Will I let this get the best of me? NO! Time for operation clean house. The prior weeks Wonderful weather had the three of us outside for a large part of, which of course led to the neglect of certain areas of the house (okay... All areas). Operation clean house will hopefully catch me up and get my house in tip top shape for the beautiful weather expected next week.

The Mission:
Super clean the kitchen
Wash all floors in the house
Organize my closet
Clean and disinfect playroom

According to the national weather service, I have until Friday. That leaves me 4 days (my closet will take at least two). This mission is tough, but I totally accept! Hopefully this iPad will not self distruct, but I will be in absolute silence for the next 4 days while I attempt this feat. Hopefully I will post again soon with great news... We'll see!

Friday, May 13, 2011

ipad 2

Soooooo excited to finally have my new ipad2!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Great Company To Work For!

So last week I made a really small order for Mary Kay.  Just a few things for my mother, sister, and her friend.  Since I wasn't going to see them until the weekend, I didn't open my package when it arrived.  Instead my unopened box sat on my desk for nearly a week.  On Saturday when I finally open the box and gave out everyones goodies I realized some things weren't shipped.  Great!!!! (in my sarcastic voice) Who is going to believe that I didn't loose the products myself or simple keep them if I called the company.  Well fast forward to Monday.  I call my branch, explain the situation, and a very friendly woman first apologizes then tells me my replacements will be shipped shortly.

I LOVE this company.  I've only had to call once before for a damaged item and it was quickly replaced.  No attitude or long wait.  You speak with a happy friendly person who is very understanding of the fussy 7  month old in the back ground.  It's instances like this, along with the fun I have doing one on one facials that keep me confidant I have made the right choice in my decision to sell Mary Kay.

Feel free to contact me if you've ever thought of joining or rejoining the pink bubble!