
Friday, December 10, 2010

Pink Lemonade

Peace and quiet.  I've earned it after a very hectic morning, and two late nights.  With the help of Yo Gabba Gabba, the best kids show since Barney (nick jr. can send me my check cause I'm about to do a commercial)  I love Yo Gabba Gabba, it offers me 20 minutes of quiet, of peace, of alone time.  My son loves it for all the reasons a 22 month old loves things.  It's bright, loud, and silly.  As a bonus it reinforces the colors and numbers I've been teaching my munchkin.  My husband and I must have about 20 episodes on the DVR.  My peace is usually over after 20 minutes, I actually have a physical reaction when DJ Lance Rock says "Yo!.. It's almost time to go!"  All the little characters say "Oh No" and so do all of the mommies and daddies.

Oh well, I'm off to have another cup of pink lemonade.  I have about a half gallon left over from an unsuccessful open house.  Life actually gave me lemons and I literally have been drinking lemonade : ).  I've had it hot with honey (very good), hot with a cinnamon candy cane melting inside (pretty good too), and ice cold with a lemon slice (very good, but more suited for summer).

My open house didn't go as planned, but I'm still pressing on! I completed another facial.  It went very well.  The more I do, the better I get.  I suppose that's a rule of life.  I still love selling Mary Kay.  I've promised myself I won't turn into the crazy Mary Kay lady that folks avoid, and so far I haven't.  I've had a lot of fun with friends and family, and I've made some new friends.   I especially love playing in my samples.  I feel like a little girl playing in mommy's make-up.

Well, until next time.

Live your dreams!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Facials and Fruit Cups

Brooooooooo!!!!!!!  That is my son's way of asking for a fruit cup.  I used to slice fresh fruit and steam veggies for him.  Now (with the birth of baby boy number 2) I opt for the not as healthy and very sweet fruit cups.  I told myself I was going to have kids with wonderful eating habits (better than mine at least). They would never or very rarely have sweets or take out.  Well my son loves some french fries and cake and cookies too!  What's a mom to do?

So, I'm preparing for my first dress rehearsal facial.  I've facialed two women pretty close to me.  I had on no make-up, was in sweat pants, and had an infant in my arms.  That is not the Mary Kay way, but this is my business, right?!  I call it dress rehearsal, because I will be facialing a friend who I normally wouldn't get dolled up for.   But I want to play the part.  So, after I put Mr. BROOOOOO to bed, I'll glam it up, head to toe, black pumps and all and head over to her house.  I hope to gain some experience without embarrassing myself in front of strangers.

I actually can't wait. Selling Mary Kay has added some fun to my life that was dangerously close to becoming completely about diapers and dinner.  I've made just a little extra cash and met some pretty cool women.  I've gotten out of the house on days when I probably would have stayed in doors, and I've started caring about the way I look again.  I have found my pretty place and I hope tonight I'll help someone else find hers too!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pineapple Cake, Chicken Pot Pie, and Turkey!

Wow.  What a holiday! Thanksgiving was... wonderful, typical, messy, loud, exciting, juicy, delicious, tiring, quite the learning experience and basically indescribable.  It's been about a week and a half since my last post.  I've hosted two major events, cleaned my house top to bottom (twice), changed countless diapers, made some winner recipes, and of course some losers.  Oh and BTW, the chicken pot pie was delish!!!

Let's start with my new favorite comfort food: Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie.  Gone are the days of me hating chicken pot pie.  No more will I cringe when someone mentions them, and slowly the memories of the frozen ones will fade.  I decided to start with roasted chicken instead of boiled.

For the veggies I added carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and chopped onions & garlic.  After sauteing my onions, garlic, carrots and potatoes I sprinkled them with flour and added the milk.  To give it more flavor I threw in fresh minced sage and thyme.

Mmmmm the smell was to die for.  After I had a nice sauce going on I added a healthy amount of sharp white cheddar cheese.  Please note, when I say healthy, I mean it in the same way people refer to a plump woman.  To finish off my chicken sauce I added some fresh nutmeg (Yes the choir is singing).  I poured my mixture into a frozen pie shell, and topped it with another.  Before I put it in the oven I sprinkled cheddar cheese on top.  I actually ate it standing up, right out of the pie plate.  My husband was on his way back for thirds, when he stopped short and said I was trying to sabotage his diet.  Needless to say it was comforting, warm, and delicious.

Two days after my comforting chicken pot pie, I found myself in my kitchen at 3am cleaning.  It was the eve of my Mary Kay Business Debut.  Lately I've given up trying to clean my house during the day.  There is a demanding 21 month old, and a twice as demanding 2 month old that make it almost impossible to make cleaning progress.  My late night cleaning was a success as was my debut.  In the weeks leading up to it I'd been researching everything, from time lines to what to serve.  I splurged a bit on the menu, but it was worth it.  Pink pineapple upside down cake, sugar cookies with pink frosting, pink (well maroon) hot punch, and apple butternut squash soup (the only think on the menu that wasn't pink).  The ladies loved the food almost as much as the satin hands treatment they were greeted with.  My dinning room was all decked out with pink products and samples.  It was great! This has been such a wonderful business for me.  It's made me feel feminine and girlie again.  I get the chance to get out of the house for reasons other than food shopping, and get paid lets not forget the perk of making a little cash on the side : ).

On over drive after my debut, I began working on Thanksgiving.  Late night food shopping trips, and more 3am cleaning sprees made for a wonderful day.  The turkey was juicy (and only slightly undercooked, long story).   The Mac and Cheese was superb, and the dates wrapped in prosciutto... dynamite!  The fried stuffing balls were a bust, but I guess you can't win them all.

I am so grateful for my family and friends.  Cliche? Yes! Totally true? Yes!  We had a  marvelous time laughing and catching up, and of course eating.  These are the times that I cherish, can't wait for Christmas!!!

"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. 
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal. 
P. Vaull Starr

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chicken Pot Pie

My youngest son, Bear, is sleeping on my chest.  My older son, Munch, is playing in the play room.  I can hear him talking to himself. Well talking in the way that a 21 month old will talk.  I was in the process of looking up a chicken pot pie recipe.  In five minutes I decided to make my own chicken pot pie recipe and start a blog.

When I was little, I hated chicken pot pie.  I've decided to find a way to make it, so I'll like it.  For one my recipe will have Cheese.  Glorious cheese!  Some people believe chocolate makes everything better.  I think cheese does.  I also want to add broccoli.  What's better than broccoli and cheese? Well wish me luck.   The sweet sound of toddler talk has some how changed to toddler tantrum.  Who knows?

Positive thought of the day (It's not called Rosey Glasses for nothing):

 Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.  –Abraham Lincoln